Bali Caring Community

Contact Us

Yayasan Perduli Bali (Bali Caring Community Foundation)
Jl. Pendidikan No. 86 Denpasar 80224 Bali, Indonesia
Telp: 0878-6194-3126, 0812-3999-3144 * Telegram: 0812-3999-3144
WhatsApp: 0878-6194-3126, 0812-3999-3144 * LINE: 0878-6194-3126, 0812-3999-3144
info[at] *

Address: Jl. Pendidikan No. 86 Denpasar 80224 Bali, Indonesia
Coordinates: 8°42’30.7″S 115°13’45.5″E (View on Google Maps)

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2 thoughts on “Contact Us”

    Thank you for your feedback.
    Here you are Luh’s contact details:

    Name: Ni Luh Sukarini
    Address: Br. Medahan, Kemenuh Village, Sukawati Sub-District, Gianyar Regency
    Grandmother: Ni Made Ganti
    Contact number: +62 81806272470 / +62 81338737313, I Nyoman Sudiarta (nephew of Ni Made Ganti)

    Thanks again.
    Stay safe and healthy.


    Hello I hope now things will improve in Bali. I look every day to see any report on the Covid 19 and your country has managed very well and many organisations helping to deliver food.
    Graandma Ghanti and little Luh her granddaughter is sponsered by my family i.e. Kuh Family. I asked Marilyn Murray if she had their address but she did not. I want to send a package to little Luh but I do not have her address. One of my friends who teaches English and later I can give you her telephone number can arrange when she is free to travel to deliver to little Luh. Narilyn Murray visited her in Janurary with her daughter Clarissa who was on holiday in Bali after her marriage, she was on her honeymoon. I cannot travel this year but I can get a package made for luh by way of the Let’s Help Balii Covid 19 volunteers. Marilyn Murray also was concerned that Luh was under sized for her age so Dr. Ku my husband will later arrange for Luh to have some vitamins to improve her body strength. Mny of Marilyn Murray’s friends holiday in Bali and I think we shall arrange with her to organize the supply of vitamins for luh.. Thank you for the good work you all do, it has been so much extra for all of you since the volcano eruption, I so hope that tourism returns as soon as it is sae. Most important is that on arrival in the airport that everyone has a health check. We have always had this in Taiwan and it stopped many people and they were put in quarantine. I was stopped four years ago with a high temperature and I had Dengue Fever so the health station is so important but few countries have it. I wish you had it as it would prevent disease coming to your beautiful people. Blessings to all of the staff and thank you. I shal send the name of of my lovely teacher , her address and telephone number in a separate message. Faith Ku

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