As published before, in accordance with the 2nd birthday celebration of the Community of Toyota Land Cruiser Indonesia, Bali, (TLCI Bali), they, together with BCC garnering supports for Fillial SDN 3 Tulamben; underdeveloped school in Muntig Village, Kubu, Karangsem. Later, On Sunday 7th December 2014, we delivered the donation to Fillial SDN 3 Tulamben.
The event was attended by:
- Head of Education Authorities of Karangasem Regency
- Member of Muspida of Karangasem Regency
- Member of Muspika of Kubu Sub-district
- Head of Muntig Village
- Head of Desa Pakraman Muntig
- Klian Adat and Dinas of Muntig Village
- Head of TLCI Bali
- Head & Team of TLCI Bali’s 2nd Birthday Committee
- Principal & Teacher of SDN 3 Tulamben
- Members of TLCI Bali
Here is the documentations taken.