Bali Caring Community

Delivering Donation from PT. Graha Seribusatu Jaya to Klungkung and Karangasem

On Sunday, 14th December 2014, we delivered donation from PT. Graha Seribusatu Jaya Bandung to 9 poor families in Klungkung and Karangasem Regencies. Each family received a donation of 1 travel bed + 2 pillows.

PT. Graha Seribusatu Jaya is a company engaging in furniture production and distributor, especially on “Central Springbed” beds and pillows. Through its marketing; Ibu Rani Sri Mulyani, this company chooses 15 poor families of Karangasem Regency, Klungkung (including Nusa Penida), Tabanan, Gianyar, and Buleleng Regencies.

Here is the list of the 9 poor families in Klungkung and Karangasem regencies who receive the donation:

  1. I Wayan Nurani; poor elderly at Dusun Putung, Duda Timur Village, Selat, Karangasem
  2. Ni Nengah Masna; elderly living alone at Br. Suka Duka Maruti (Br. Sangging Neighborhood), Akah Village, Klungkung
  3. Ni Made Karya; poor elderly living alone at Dusun Putung, Duda Timur Village, Selat, Karangasem
  4. Made Gunung; poor and disabled family near the tourism object of Tirta Gangga, Karangasem
  5. I Nengah Kerti (Loyok); poor and disabled family at Dusun Celuk Mekar Sari, Tiyingtali Village, Abang, Karangasem
  6. Ni Made Kerta; poor and disabled family at Br. Rame, Kusamba Village, Dawan, Klungkung
  7. Mangku Nengah Ade; poor and disabled family at Dusun Kanginan, Paksebali Village, Dawan, Klungkung
  8. Ni Nengah Musti; poor elderly living alone at Dusun Kanginan, Besan Village, Dawan, Klungkung
  9. Ni Nyoman Miarsi; poor and disabled family at Dusun Kelodan, Besan Village, Dawan, Klungkung

Special for Ni Nengah Musti (no. 8), she received only donation of 2 pillows, but asked that her travel bed to be given to the other poor family since she has just received mattress donation.

Similar donations are for the other 6 poor families at Nusa Penida, Tabanan, Gianyar, and Buleleng will be delivered in January 2015.

Here is the documentations taken:

I Wayan Nurani


Ni Nengah Masna


Ni Made Karya


Made Gunung


I Nengah Kerti (Loyok)


Ni Made Kerta


Mangku Nengah Ade


Ni Nengah Musti


Ni Nyoman Miarsi


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