Bali Caring Community

Gema Literasi Besakih (GLB) I

On Saturday 22nd October 2016, the youth member of Besakih village held an event called Gema Literasi Besakih (GLB) I. An event that was created to accommodate and facilitate the interest and potential of early childhood/preschool and elementary school aged children of Besakih village for literacy, especially in Indonesian literacy.


The LGB I was held in Wantilan Sri Ksari Warmadewa, Besakih village, Rendang, in Karangasem regency. The event / competitions included were in the following areas:

  • Competitions for elementary school level: storytelling competition, speech competition, and poetry creation.
  • Competitions for early childhood/preschool level : coloring competition(exhibition)

List of GLB I committee (attached) were as follow:

  1. Chairperson: Putu Gede Asnawa Dikta
  2. Secretary I: I Gusti Ayu Winda Purnama Astuti
  3. Secretary II: I Putu Agus Suryawan
  4. Treasurer I: Haris Chandra Agustina
  5. Treasurer II: Kadek Asmara Nata
  6. Field Coordinator I: I Gusti Ayu Riska Wandari
  7. Field Coordinator II: I Wayan Agustika
  8. Field Coordinator III: I Putu Suantika
  9. Field Coordinator IV: Ni Wayan Arma Yanti

List of competition participants (attached)

During the occasion, through the chair person of the committee, Putu Gede Asnawa Dikta, BCC delivered the donation of one of BCC donors, Mr Heng Xiang You Sean of Singapore in the form of dolls, books and stationery to the children who participate in the competitions. Below is the documentation of the handover of the donation.

Below are more of documentations from the event.


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