Bali Caring Community

Nengah Dana, A Poor Inhabitant with Physical Disability who Struggle for Living through Selling Canang

Visit: January 23, 2015

Name: I Nengah Dana (Male/58 years old/canang maker)

Wife: Ni Nengah Suparmi (Female/38 years old/canang maker)

First Child: Ni Putu Gita Andini (Female/8 years old/second grade of elementary school)

Second Child: Ni Kadek Sri Ayuningsih (Female/3 years old/hasn’t gone to school yet)

Address: Banjar Timbrah, Paksebali village, Dawan district, Klungkung regency

Telp.: 0831-1488-0619

Information: Poor Family and with disability

Bank Account: Bank BRI unit Sampalan, No.: 4748-01-005492-53-1, Beneficiary: Ni Nengah Suparmi


  1. Please contact us to become a sponsor

Update on 13 February 2015; Nengah Dana received 2 bicycle , 1 cupboard, 2 bed, 4 pillow donation.

Update on February 16th, 2017; Electricity connection was broken, now there is no electricity in their house.

Update on March 10th, 2017; The electricity is on.

Updated on August 5, 2021; please read at the bottom of this page.


I Nengah Dana (M/58) suffered from disability on his left knee since his childhood. That condition makes him cannot do other jobs except helping his wife to make canang (offering for praying) which they sell at Galiran traditional market of Klungkung. The money they earn from selling the canang is Rp. 15.000/day. “It’s our total income after paying bemo (public transportation) cost, buying the material to make canang, etc.”, he said in Balinese. That is the only income for the family, no other income. The money has to be enough to be used to fulfill the daily needs of four people include their 2 kids.

The first child of the family, Ni Putu Gita Andini (F/8/second grade) goes to SD N 1 Satria on foot from their house. It takes one hour. Due to the family economic condition which is in a low state that is sometimes insufficient, this girl often doesn’t bring any pocket money to school. Even though she brings pocket money, it’s only Rp. 500.

In 2012, this family had received money donation. The amount was 6 million rupiah for renovating their house, it’s a program of “Rehab Rumah Swadaya”, from the Government. They used the money to build the wall of their house by using bricks. They don’t have any beds for sleeping. This family has connection to electricity just because the family is allowed to connect to the electricity of the street lightning at Seganing Temple so that they don’t need to pay the electricity payment every month. However, the electricity is only on from the late afternoon until evening, from morning to afternoon, it is off.

Your donation to this family can be in form of groceries, bicycle for going to school, books/any school needs, money for school tuition, bed, etc.

BCC has made a bank account for the family under the name of Ni Nengah Suparmi, therefore you can help them directly. If you want to meet the family, BCC is ready to take and accompany you to their house, or you can also contact their relatives on 081337754337.

Here is some documentation that we have taken.

Disability on his left foot
Making canang
The wife is making canang
Nengah Dana’s family
Sleeping room

Below please find a video documentation which we took on February 16th, 2017.

Address: Banjar Timbrah, Paksebali village, Dawan district, Klungkung regency
Coordinates: 8°31’47.6″S 115°24’37.4″E (View on Google Maps)

Update on August 5, 2021

In general, not much has changed.

  • First child: 3rd grade at junior high school
  • Second child: 5th grade at elementary school

Here’s some documentation.

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