Bali Caring Community

Nengah Suena, an underprivileged elderly at Br. Kubu Pangi, Jungutan Village, Bebandem, Karangasem

Visit: March 19, 2022

Name: I Nengah Suena (M/about 70 years old)

Occupation: he can’t work because he’s old and his eyes are blind

Address: Banjar Dinas Kubu Pangi, Jungutan Village, Bebandem District, Karangasem Regency

Wife’s Name: Ni Nengah Suena (F/about 65 years old)

Occupation: looking for vegetable to sell

Telephone numbers that can be contacted:

  • 0852-3840-0091, I Wayan Sudarsana – BCC Volunteer in Karangasem
  • 0887-3097-530, Kadek Arsana – Head of Dusun Kubu Pangi

Category: underprivileged elderly

We no longer set up a bank account for elderly. If you are willing to help, we will deliver the donation to his house every 3-4 months, we will send you the documentation of the assistance delivery via email.

Regular Donors:

  1. Rani Family (Dr. Putu Asih Primatanti), 100.000 Rupiah per month starting January 2023
  2. Please contact us if you wish to become a regular donor

Update on May 9, 2022; Nengah Suena has received new house assistance, mattress and pillow.

I Nengah Suena happened to have the same name as his wife; Ni Nengah Suena. They have 4 children; 3 of them (all boys) have died, 1 daughter is married and lives in the village next door. “Every 15 days my daughter comes here to see us,” he said.

Source of income:

  • I Nengah Suena has been unable to work since his eyesight is nearly blind.
  • His wife looks for vegetables to sell for Rp. 25,000 per 3-6 days.
  • They eat rice from the government; 15 kg per month, and vegetables from the garden, never eat meats etc.

Condition of the house: very poor, the roof of the house is broken, the roof frame is rotten.

  • Number of bedroom: 2 (1 room is used as a warehouse)
  • Number of bed divan: 2
  • Number of mattress: none
  • Cement floor
  • Wall of brick and woven bamboo
  • Roof of tile, leaking everywhere
  • Electricity is available
  • There is no water, they look for water in the river
  • Land status: as a cultivator, land belongs to the village

Your assistance to Nengah Suena could be in the form of:

  • Mattress and pillow
  • Basic necessities or financial assistance to buy daily necessities
  • Financial assistance to renovate the roof of the house

If you have ever provided assistance to Nengah Suena, please fill out the comment form below. Write down the assistance you have provided and update their latest condition. The information will be very useful for donors who want to visit/provide assistance to Nengah Suena.

Here are some photos we took.

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Address: Banjar Dinas Kubu Pangi, Jungutan Village, Bebandem District, Karangasem Regency.
Coordinates: 8°24’02.1″S 115°31’00.5″E (View on Google Maps)


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