Bali Caring Community

Rice assistance for 20 poor families in Br. Merenggeng, Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida

On January 29, 2022, we distributed rice aid to 20 underprivileged families in Br. Merenggeng, Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency. Each family gets 5 kg of rice.

Assistance was delivered door-to-door by BCC Volunteers in Nusa Penida area; Komang Sugiarta (0853-3386-5221) et al.

The list of donors for the rice aid program is as follows:

  1. Agung Priyastana
  2. Tria Maharni
  3. NPTM
  4. Dania
  5. Fandy
  6. Made Ari
  7. Indah
  8. Hendy Karsito
  9. Oka Suyatna
  10. Wayan Karnada
  11. AA Banyu Perwita
  12. L. Cahyandari
  13. Martini
  14. Janaspriya
  15. Lie Peng

The following is the documentation of the rice aid distribution.

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