Bali Caring Community

The 1st Visit to Nawa Kerti Village Karangasem

Today, Sunday, July 4, 2010, we together with Wisna and Adi, Johan and Selvi and their family, visit some poor families in Nawa Kerti village, Abang, Karangasem. According to the information given by the village’s head, Bapak Nengah Rata, Nawa Kerti village is inhabited by approximately 1047 amilies or about 3000 people who are mostly working as farmers.

Administratively, Nawa Kerti village covers 4 Banjars:

  1. Br. Laga – The klian is : Bapak Bagus Ketut Arka
  2. Br. Bau Kaler – The klian is : Bapak Wayan Putu
  3. Br. Bau Kawan – The klian is : Bapak Wayan Sujana
  4. Br. Bau Kangin – The klian is : Bapak Nyoman Kerta

In the village, we visited some families such as the family of: 1) Bapak Wayan Getung living with his son Nyoman Cenik, his daughter in law and 7 grandchildren, 2) Bapak Berag living alone in a hut without wall and roof, eat no rice but cassava for years (soon, Bapak Berag will live in a house built from the donation of Wisna and Adi from Bali Charity), 3) Bapak Nyoman Daging and his wife Wayan Sumianti with their 2 children, 4) Ibu Ketut Kaler who lived from the food given by her neighbors, 5) Bapak Wayan Gejer who will soon get house donation too from Wisna and Adi.

Bapak Wayan Getung
Wayan Getung
Nym. Cenik & Children
Bed and Kitchen
Bapak Berag
Old House
Old House
New House
Bapak Nyoman Daging
Nyoman Daging’s House
Nym. Daging & Family
Ibu Ketut Kale
Ni Ketut Kaler
Ketut Kaler’s Family
Bapak Wayan Gejer
Old House
New House is Being Built

Then we discuss with the village’s head and every klian dinas talking about the appropriate donation format we can offer to help them:

  • Short term: food donation
  • Mid term: house donation
  • Long term: efforts to move the village’s economy

The land in Nawa Kerti village is quite fertile, but there is no distribution flow available for the yields to make money. This fact makes the villages at Nawa Kerti village think that there is no money can be resulted from farming. We create some plans as below:

  1. Inviting agriculutural expert to survey the location/soil type etc to give suggestion the suitable commodities to be planted on the land and give knowledge about the way of planting/cultivation/etc to the villagers.
  2. Pioneering distribution flow to sell the yields, especially in traditional markets in Karangasem, Klungkung, and Denpasar if it is needed.
  3. Or, make the buyers coming to Nawa Kerti village.

On the next visit (our plan is on the first Sunday in August), the village’s head promises to provide us the data about what kinds of yields harvested in Nawa Kerti village to trace the distribution flows. We ask you a favor to help them.

On this occasion, we would like to present our gratitude to Wisna and Adi, Johan and Selvi, as well as the permanent volunteers and donors of BCC.


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