Bali Caring Community

Visiting several poor families in Nusa Penida

On April 22nd 2016, we came to visit several poor families in some areas in Nusa Penida, as follows:

  1. Ni Ketut Tini; her husband has passed away, she lives with her child at Br. Batumadeg Kaja, Batumadeg Villlage, Nusa Penida.
  2. Ni Luh Ekayanti (F/6 y o/Level 1 of Elementary school); orphan who lives with her grandparents at Br. Pangkung Gede, Batumadeg Village, Nusa Penida.
  3. I Wayan Edi (M/12 y o/ Level 6 of Elementary school); orphan who lives with her grandmother at Br. Dungkab I, Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida.
  4. I Putu Suartawan (M/10 y o/ Level 4 of Elementary school); his father left him long ago, His mother works as corn seller and lives in Sanur-Denpasar, I Putu Suartawan himself stay with his uncle who take care of him at Br. Dungkab I, Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida.
  5. Ni Komang Ayu Candra Dewi (F/4,5 y o); orphan who lives with her grandparents in Br. Bingin, Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida.
  6. Ni Putu Purnamayanti (F/12 y o); orphan, she had gone to school until level 4 of elementary school, but then she was dropped out due to inability in reading and writing. She is suffering from mental handicap; she lives with her brother at Br. Dungkab I, Batukandik village, Nusa Penida.

On that occasion, we also handed cash donation from our contributor, those are:

  • IDR. 100.000 from Ibu Indri to Ni Ketut Tini.
  • IDR. 250.000 from Ibu Nila Sukandar to Ni Luh Ekayanti.
  • IDR. 250.000 from Bapak Frans Hery Widjaja to I Wayan Edi.
  • IDR. 231.000 from Mr. Robert Neff to I Putu Suartawan.
  • IDR. 250.000 from Bapak Frans Hery Widjaja to Ni Komang Ayu Candra Dewi.
  • IDR. 231.000 from Mr. Robert Neff to Ni Putu Purnamayanti.

Here are the documentations that we could take during the visit.

Ni Ketut Tini
Ni Ketut Tini
Ni Luh Ekayanti
Ni Luh Ekayanti
Wayan Edi Nata
Wayan Edi Nata
Putu Suartawan
Putu Suartawan
Ni Komang Ayu
Ni Komang Ayu
Ni Putu Purnamayanti
Ni Putu Purnamayanti

Here are the documentations of cash donation handing.

Ni Ketut Tini
Ni Ketut Tini
Ni Luh Ekayanti
Ni Luh Ekayanti
Wayan Edi Nata
Wayan Edi Nata
Putu Suartawan
Putu Suartawan
Ni Komang Ayu
Ni Komang Ayu
Ni Putu Purnamayanti
Ni Putu Purnamayanti

Below please find a video which we took on 22 April 2016.


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