The Wrapped Rice Sharing Program began on November 5, 2020 as a form of our little attention to the underprivileged residents in Denpasar and its surroundings who work as scrap collectors, parking attendants, sweepers, street vendors, buskers, transport laborers, etc. that is close around us, not far from where we live.
So far, most of BCC’s activities have been carried out in villages to target beneficiaries who really deserve to be assisted or have not received assistance. It’s different from the Wrapped Rice Sharing Program which was deliberately programmed to accommodate friends with spirit of sharing, which due to time constraints, cannot go far from Denpasar – this program can be an option.
You can participate in this program, either as a volunteer or as a donor.
- Please contact the volunteer coordinator for this program; Kadek Krisni (0878-6194-3126) for more detailed information on the schedule of the Wrapped Rice Sharing and other related info.
- You can also share wrapped rice to the distribution point that has been determined.
- Assistance form of wrapped rice (Rp. 10,000 – Rp. 15,000 per pack) or glass / bottled mineral water can be dropped to BCC Office on Jl. Education No. 86 Denpasar at a predetermined time / schedule, or no later than in the 1 hour before the activity starts.
- Assistance in the form of money can be transferred to the following BCC accounts:
- Bank BRI Diponegoro Denpasar Branch
No. Account: 0571-01-000117-30-3
Please transfer by stating the number 9 in the last digit, for example: Rp. 100,009.
- Bank BRI Diponegoro Denpasar Branch
Activities of wrapped rice sharing that have been carried out;
- 5 November 2020 – Sharing 319 Wrapped Rice
- 21 November 2020 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 2 December 2020 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 16 December 2020 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 6 January 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 20 January 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 10 February 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 24 February 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 10 March 2021 – Sharing 250 Wrapped Rice
- 17 March 2021 – Sharing 250 Wrapped Rice
- 7 April 2021 – Sharing 250 Wrapped Rice
- 28 April 2021 – Sharing 210 Wrapped Rice
- 19 May 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 25 May 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 9 June 2021 – Sharing 235 Wrapped Rice
- 23 June 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 4 August 2021 – Sharing 300 Wrapped Rice
- 25 August 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- 8 September 8, 2021 – Sharing 250 Wrapped Rice
- 29 September 2021 – Sharing 200 Wrapped Rice
- Furthermore, all reports of wrapped rice sharing activities that have been carried out can be seen on this page.
Questions, suggestions / input please fill out the comment form below. Thank you.