On 12 April 2017 we visited some underprivileged citizens in several villages in Tabanan regency.
The activity was attended by:
- Babinkamtibmas Wongaya Gede Village; I Wayan Mediastra (0812-3866-6165)
- Babinsa Wongaya Gede Village; I Gede Putu Suparta Wijaya (0852-5308-1728)
- The head of Dusun Bengkel; I Made Supariana (0857-9283-6920)
- The head of Dusun Batu Kambing; I Wayan Eryawan (0821-4658-5206)
- The head of administration section of Wongaya Gede Village; Wayan Darmayasa (0859-3539-3999)
- Representatives of donators; Erry Reza Dimayaksa, Andi Irawan, Antonius Sugeng Harianto
- Representatives of CB Kecak Bali community; Ahmad Subkan, Elyeser, Rado, Yosha, Cok Intan
- BCC’s volunteers; Fedy Romamti, Ni Made Ayu Suastuti
List of citizens that were visited:
- I Wayan Lapur; poor elderly in Br. Bengkel, Wongaya Gede Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- Ni Ketut Rengkeg; poor elderly in Br. Dinas Batu Kambing, Wongaya Gede Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- I Nengah Metra and his wife Ni Nengah Wenten; poor family in Br. Wongaya Kaja, Wongaya Gede Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- I Wayan Gobyah; poor elderly in Br. Bendul, Wongaya Gede Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- I Nengah Sardana and his wife Ni Ketut Semuri; poor family in Br. Wongaya Kangin, Wongaya Gede Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- I Gusti Kadek Suta Arimbawa and his brother I Gusti Komang Bakti Winarsa; two waif brothers who are taken care by their grandparents in Br. Ngis Kaja, Jegu Village, Penebel, Tabanan
- I Gusti Ayu Komang Putri Diani; an orphan in Br. Denbantas, Denbantas Village, Tabanan
Here is some documentation of the said citizens above
During the visit we delivered some aid from Maviba Villas & Resorts in the form of 1 mattress and 1 pillow to I Wayan Lapur. The documentation is as follows.
On that occasion we also delivered cash donation from Mrs. Santi Gunawan @Rp. 250.000 to I Wayan Lapur’s Family, I Nengah Metra, I Wayan Gobyah, I Gusti Kadek Suta Arimbawa, and I Gusti Ayu Komang Putri Diani.
Here is the documentation of the cash donation delivery.
Below please find a video documentation which we took on April 12nd, 2017.