Bali Caring Community

Bali Caring Community

Born in January 2010, Bali Caring Community (BCC) is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political, social community engaged in the social and humanitarian field. The spirit that underlies our activities is to do sincere kindness unconditionally, not to discriminate against anything anywhere.

The concept of BCC is DIRECT DONATION, BCC bridges donors so that they can provide assistance DIRECTLY to those in need. BCC facilitates direct assistance by creating a bank account in the name of the citizen you want to help or delivering you to your home.

About Us

Bali Caring Community (BCC) is a dedicated group of concerned...

Help Us

Please assist us to help Balinese villagers in need through...

What We Do

We are continuously expanding our program offerings...

Program BCC

Program BCC

Help Programs

Poverty Profile

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